Asset Editor

The asset file contains the information about your .blend file
File Configuration

Filename and Object name will be filled automatically upon importing a .blend file, and can be left as is.

The collision parameter lets you choose a parameter to toggle during the collision creation, allowing to import custom collision created by your GeometryNodes.

By default, assets will be converted to Static Meshes, you can change this behavior in the Converter Class setting.

Here you can map attributes from Blender’s output to Unreal attributes. By default “UVMap” output will be mapped to Mesh UVs and “Colors” output will be mapped to Mesh Vertex Colors.
However you can map any float, vector or color from the Output Group of your Geometry Nodes into a mesh attribute.
Reading Instance Attributes is not supported by blender

During the import process, AlterMesh will look in your blend files and list all of the materials available in your .blend, this will allow you to map used or unused materials with an Unreal equivalent.

Unfortunately AlterMesh will not import your materials automatically, this would require a translation of Blender-Unreal materials which is not simple. Please remake the material in Unreal or assign a different one.


Only parameters that are exposed to the Group Input are available, if you add more parameters to the group input, you can click on the Reimport Parameters button on the toolbar to refresh the parameter list.
Adding more parameters will not automatically update actors placed on the map, this prevents from you accidentally changing models that were final, you can manually refresh a placed actor by changing a parameter or clicking the refresh button on the details panel.

Node panels, parameter tooltips, Min/Max values are supported

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